
By Lenore

Breakfast time

We all seemed to sleep quite late this morning, even if I was the only one who woke up in the same bed they had gone to sleep in.  At some point in the night, he youngest ended up in bed with me, and the husband bunked down with the eldest on the floor of the boys  bedroom.  And we all slept rather well.  

I left these guys having a rather lovely, lazy breakfast and headed off up the road to do a park run, despite the whole ethos being about getting out and not being competitive.... I felt I just had to over take a few people, and of course came home feeling I could have done better.  

We had planned a quiet day on account of the boys having had a pretty busy week, or at least a tiring week.  So we spent the rest of the day hanging out at home, we spoke to the parents-in-law in Zimbabwe, which is always a treat, played trains, played pretty much everything in the play room it in fact, slept (if you are a child) and dug the garden (if you are me). 

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