October Challenge - Dad's Army - Type 24
Day 16 of the October daily challenge - Dad's Army.
A very popular series about the Home Guard during WW2. At first some thought that it could be a sensitive subject, and offend those who had served in it, but it was done in such an affectionate way that there was little to offend.
Another series with many memorable moments - Don't Tell Him Pike being voted the nations favourite funny moment (second was Del falling through the bar in Only Fools and Horses)
The Home Guard were responsible for much of the defence of the nation, in order to release other men to serve overseas. As depicted in the series they were unpaid and served after having done a full days work.
All around the country there were "Pillboxes" which were reinforced emplacements for field defences. The one here is a Type 24, which according to the information board next to it would have been manned by the Home Guard, who were aged 18 to 65 (not sure where that leaves Privates Pike and Godfrey). It is situated in what is now Stockwood Park, next to what used to be called the A6 (it's been renumbered) and forms one of the main routes into the town to help defend the town and the Vauxhall factory which was turned over to producing tanks and other military vehicles.
I'm sure Godfrey would have approved of this one - in Spring there are daffodils all around it.
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