Using your loaf
Look at the crust on that! Do you see the face in it? Mr B says it reminds him of the so called Mask of Agamemnon, discovered by some German bloke in the ?1800s. (Turned out it wasn't Agamemnon, but let's not quibble.) Mr B can always be relied on to come out with something clever sounding. I just nod and say 'mmm, yeah' a lot, hoping he thinks I'm really clever. (Don't tell him, eh? It's been working for 20 years now and he still hasn't twigged.)
This is the slightly flatter than planned sourdough loaf that Katherine and I have been working on since last Saturday. In case anyone's not familiar with sourdough starters (and why would you be?) you make a sort of yeast trap with water, raisins and flour and catch wild yeast floating about. Then you have to feed it every day with more flour and water and, after 5/6 days you can use some of it to make bread. The remainder is fed and watered and, when there's enough, you make more bread.
It's the only pet my daughter's likely to get any time soon, and she seems quite happy with that (and of course, as with all pets for children, she forgot to feed it from day 2 onwards, so it became my job). At least no exercise is required other than a light daily whisk. It has the advantage over other pets that if you want to go away for the weekend you just pop it in the fridge.
Hope you all have a grand weekend. Here we will mostly be eating bread.
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