Betty Front of a Coupe

Cars...we got cars. Autos...we got autos.

On a cloudy day, we took off in search of garage sales. Six of them. At 8 a.m., we were at the first sale. Our friend Wanda asked me what I looked for at garage sales. "I like to buy DVD's that I never watch." OK...into the fray.

The six sales were a mixed bag. Half were embarrassing (why bother if you have nothing to sell?), but the other three were pretty good.

As promised, I bought 5 DVD's at 50 cents a movie.
1. Pay It Forward
2. Meet Joe Black
3. There's Something About Mary
4. Dreamgirls
5. A Walk in the Clouds

I would have bought 6, but Benjamin Button was not in the case.

We spotted the small car show on the way home. My favorites were the 2 red cars (a Chevy and a Mercedes.)

After a heavy morning of searching for bargains, know...had to go, and the go-cart potty chair was too hard to pass up. I started it up, drove behind the DJ booth...and went.

With a big blush,
and a big flush,
with the car I did rush...
back to its spot in the show.

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