Blue sky walk

A very busy day at work, but still managed a swift walk via Leicester Square and Chinatown to the Algerian Coffee Stores to top up with ground coffee. I went for a different blend than usual – I can always revisit next week if I fancy the usual.

On the way, I had a chat with Dad on the phone. We remembered his aunt who we've found out passed away last year. A lack of a Christmas card was the clue, sadly. She was a grand old age of 92. We met only twice, but the last time was so precious. It was just me visiting and Pam told me a great deal about her past, living in India and travelling back and forth in wartime, going for treasure hunts in the car with her husband, Bunny, and her love of a neighbour's cat whose photo was in a frame by the fireplace. Here's to you, Aunt Pam. 

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