Rush hour

Gosh, what a miserable, cold, rainy, dark, bloody miserable day! LOL.

So, after all the options of another cuppa and another book and another telly programme had been exhausted, we headed down to Bristol Museum to have a look at the small but interesting "Empire through the Lens" exhibition. This comprised a couple of dozen old photographs from between 1880 and 1960 which showed images of the British Empire, alongside modern interpretations of how they can be perceived.

As a child of the 60's my schooling was all about how brilliant the Empire had been. Nowadays that's an almost entirely despised and deconstructed viewpoint. The texts to the images reflected modern tastes, to which I largely adhere, but the irony of viewing them in a museum built on empire and tobacco slavery didn't escape me.

The weather being what is was, this was the only picture of the day.

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