Less is More

It has rained all day today so I've spent most of my time inside trying to create a photo book from my blips.  It has been a long process but I am part way through what I hope will be a collation of some of my favourite images and commentary.  

I donned my waterproofs and ventured outside for a couple of walks.  As is often the case, it was not as bad as it looked from the window, once you got out walking.  Down by the sea there are many large houses but interspersing them are much smaller bungalows on large plots of land.  These were the original houses on the street, which over the years have sold off their gardens or been knocked down, allowing the larger houses to be built.  I much prefer the smaller houses on the large plots of land.  Some look quite neglected, which adds to their charm.  This is the drive and garage of one such house.

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