Lala's Journal

By Lala

Pie Face

A lovely weekend with L & S and the girls. Mollie had asked if she could bring a game for us to play, and of course I said yes. In my naïveté I thought she would bring the kings and queens card game I had bought her at Christmas, but no, we got Pie Face! S and I were the chosen players and yes, we both got caught as well as Mollie, but actually it was S who got the most! I discovered that S is also stalking my blips! So, now I have two stalkers.

We all went to the Pilot for lunch, and from there the visitors departed for Home. The weather has been awful, so Mollie promised to come when it is nicer so we can go to the beach!

I have included an extra. Not my photo, but one that Stalker S sent me. I just love it. When they had dropped the girls home, they went to see L’s friend who has recently become a Dad. ‘My baby’ is always good with others babies, and I thought this photo was a great capture by Stalker S on her new phone.

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