Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

wilting posy

I've realised this uploading before backblipping will soon become very confusing. You haven't yet seen this posy in all it's full living glory and you equally don't know why it is now being allowed to wilt (other than for a blip). That however is a story for a day in the past.

Long day with a Samhuinn meeting in the evening. It was the tech walkthrough, where all the group organisers get together and walk out what will happen in the performance. When issues occur they can be ironed out before there's over a hundred more people all trying to walk it out too.

In other news, I have a date for my "compatibility meeting" for the work placement. It's not as formal as an interview, more a chance for us to meet each other, them to see if they feel I'm suitable for the project and me to see if I actually want to work there for 3 months. The meeting is on 30th October and hopefully by the start of November I'll actually have it confirmed and be able to tell you about it.

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