
By cowgirl

Wet, wet, wet ...

Despite the rain, H and I decided to take Gracie for a good long walk along the canal. Gracie wasn’t too sure about it!

Then over to my mum’s to meet the beaming builder, Joe ... who I then forgot to photograph! I know, what was I thinking, right?! Anyway, we measured up her drive, which he’ll be block paving in the spring ( so something to look forward to! ).

I attempted to get some marmalade oranges but the green groupers was shut, so nipped into a coffee shop for ... well, coffee! I’d just finished it when I got a message inviting me to have birthday cake - it was Mary and Alex’s daddy’s birthday. He’d bought himself a new torch ( I ordered it with my radio ) and was still chuffed with it since he’d opened the box the previous evening! He’d even fallen asleep in Alex’s room, where they’d been testing it, the night before and woken up in the morning with it still on!

His birthday cakes were sheep, in honour of the diminishing flock they own. He’s been quite down about selling them, but has decided to go back to work after much carrot dangling from the company he used to work for. It will mean a lot more money, but working away during the week. Having decided they want to build an extension ... well, he didn’t have much choice but to accept the job offer. Having decided to build an extension having seen the photos I’ve taken of certain a builder and a certain carpenter ... I should be on commission!

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