nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Wallet (take 1)

It's very unusual of me to start and finish something in one session (I'm still part way through glove two), but today I had a first go at making a wallet out of an old inner tube.  A punctured but properly patched tube is perfectly good for further use; rather they tend to be retired (but not retyred) when there is a problem with the valve.  This one hadn't even a single patch on it.  The width of a wide road tyre appears to lend itself to cards in landscape orientation, so this became a holder for all the loyalty and membership cards that I hardly ever use and am fed up of carrying around with me all the time.  I took a mountain bike inner from the bin yesterday which may become something wider for holding actual money.

I learnt to use my mother's sewing machine as a child; these days I have fewer tantrums and am able to thread it myself, but other than that my skills are unimproved.  Attempting two thicknesses of rubber with my fingers close to the sharp end felt like an episode of 'Casualty' waiting to happen, but happily no sewers nor machines were harmed in the production.

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