Ack Ack

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

Back in Edinburgh, the lads liked to sit at the window. Occasionally they would spot a bird flying overhead and their heads would turn in unison. Or a pigeon might sit on the wall outside.

"Ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack!" Jasper would say. It's an involuntary thing. He can't help himself. Punky sits in quiet dignity, but Jasper goes into conniptions whenever he sees a bird. "Ack-ack-ack! Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch!!"

(If you are a non-cat-owner or your cat does not do this, then here is a video of random cats ack-acking).

We were excited to move here, on behalf of the cats. We started putting bread and seeds on the balcony out the back, and immediately the boys settled into a routine of watching cat tv every day. 

What I wasn't expecting was how smart the birds are. It has now got to the point where, if they see me in the kitchen, they start to gather. I'll be making coffee or putting out a bowl of jellymeat for the cats and then next thing I know there are a DOZEN of them, sitting on the balcony rail, tilting their heads and looking at me expectantly. 

Try to stay calm, Tippi. It's only my nuts they're after.

They are so tame and confident now I'm sure I could get them to take seed from my hand, if I sat quietly enough. I've done this before. When I worked at Tanfield I'd sit in the botanics, feeding blue tits, robins and sparrows right from my palm. There's nothing like the sensation of being trusted by a wild bird, it's such a delicate little thing.

Here in NZ we get mainly sparrows, starlings, the odd blackbird and an occasional thrush. I've seen one chaffinch and one fantail. No tuis - they are nectar-drinkers uninterested in anything as prosaic as bread. I've mentioned getting a tui-feeder but this has been vetoed by Er Indoors on account of ants. Also poo. I think both would be a small price to pay, but that's me.

In fact, Er Indoors and I cleaned the balcony this weekend. It was HORRIBLE. A layer of bird-sh*t so thick we could have rivalled Nauru for phosphate deposits. It took over an hour of the two of us in the sun, brushing and mopping. 

And yet, it's worth it. Even though I've just put a new bowl of seed out for the feathery fellows, and even though they have already re-sh*t everywhere, I just love to hear their chirping and watch them hopping about. Jasper is by my side and we're watching them together. 



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