
By PixelChristi

Tapered out

Quite a few months ago I wrote this blip about a problematic pain med that I've been on that turned me into a big fat zombie photographer. Well, I was a photographer before that I guess, but the rest of that description was a result of the med. :)

Well, today is my first zero day of a ridiculously long tapering process. I haven't taken a pregabalin pill since yesterday morning. So right about now, according to the web, it should be out of my system. Certainly, I had serious issues getting to sleep last night; yet I seemed pretty fresh this morning. I've got an increase in pain levels and muscle weakness right now, which is what happened every other time I stepped down a dose.

If it works as expected, then things will get worse for the next few days. I expect to be properly hobbling about with my stick for a while and I expect to feel pretty blue for a few days too. There's a big prize at the other end though. I felt ridiculously mentally sharp this morning, more than I have for the 3 years I've been on these things. Hopefully, that's a sign of how I'm going to be once this is over.

The beginning of the end blipfriends. Thank goodness :)

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