Mono Monday: Fantasy
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts on my 'Sunday Selfie' yesterday - for some reason it managed to creep up to a respectable level on the 'Popular' pages!
For the Mono Monday challenge of 'Fantasy', I saw this article in a travel magazine. Antarctica is a place I have always fancied visiting, and in the last few days a friend of ours has returned from a holiday there. We followed his exploits on Facebook and saw some pretty amazing photos and videos that he posted, but it's clear he went on one of the 'better' tours. I learned from this article that from a conservation perspective only 100 people are allowed on shore at once. Our friend was on a ship with 200 travellers so it was easy enough for 100 of them to be occupied on the ship while the others went ashore before they swapped over, but apparently some of the ships carry upwards of 1000 passengers so the opportunities for shore visits are limited. Of course, there's a price to pay for the extra chances to experience the continent and its wildlife, and I happen to know that, with a single cabin supplement as his wife did not join him, the total cost of the cruise was over half of my annual income before tax (he can easily afford it!). So on that basis, I think a trip to the Southern Continent will have to remain a fantasy for me.
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