Sad, slow and more RANTINGS

This morning I didn't want to go on my morning walk. I was a sleepy little collie and treking around the streets of Morningside wasn't my idea of fun. I wanted to go back into my bed. Ann got a bit angry with me. She said, 'Molly, this walk is not enjoyable. Let's just do a short walk and when I come home from work I'll take you for a longer walk.'....................

When Ann came home from work I didn't want to go on a longer walk.................. It was cold, it was dark and it was rainy so I digged in my heels and Ann had to drag me around. She was pulling me so much that she almost pulled my collar off over my head?! Ann is a very nice dog owner so she said, 'OK, Molls, lets just go out for half an hour and then you can have snooze time.'

….................And as for the RANTINGS........................... Between 4.30pm & 7.30pm Ann has been on the phone to 'utility companies.' …...............3 hours on the phone. OK at least half of that time was on hold listening to the most horrible music ever??!!................... It's ridiculous?!!  


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