RNLI - sunderland

What a day!

My dad had been unwell late last week so we decided we would go and see them today. We didn’t tell Mr H’s parents as we intended ringing them once we got there.

So not long after we got to my mum and dad’s ( Dad thankfully absolutely fine now) Mr H got a message from his brother that their dad had fallen and cracked his head and had been taken to hospital. So I took Mr H straight there and gave them all quite a shock given they thought we were in Bingley. He has been admitted as they don’t know why he blacked out causing the fall, he has stitches above his eyebrow, a heavily bruised face and a broken right arm. We ended up getting home at half past 10 this evening about 5 hours later than we had planned.

It’s been a long day but Reggie enjoyed the tin of Chappie I bought for him - we were expecting to be home before his tea time!

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