Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Reflections on the Gallery

I'm not a huge fan of concrete and glass architecture, but the sinuous curves and reflective surfaces of the Christchurch Art Gallery stole my heart a long time ago.

Ever since moving to Christchurch I've felt an affinity to the gallery, with a couple of friends working there (and in its previous location in the Arts Centre and Botanic Gardens) upon my arrival to the city. I remember shuffling along to the office at the back of the Robert McDougall Annex in the quad. It's hard to think that the modern structure that stands on Montreal Street today is the same institution.

The building, designed by Melbourne architects The Buchan Group, fared pretty well during the Earthquakes of 2010/2011. Indeed, the building was strong enough to act as the Emergency Operations Centre after the 22 February quake, and it carried on an important function for coordinating the recovery right through until August 2011.

It was hard selecting a photograph for today's blip from the shots I took. It's a compelling building with so many angles and textures to explore through the lens, not to mention the fantastic 'Reasons for Voyaging' architectural sculpure that stands as an entrance to the gallery on its forecourt. With this in mind, I think its definitely worth another blip-visit...

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