Tiny Tuesday: "Bright"
I thought I'd hijack today's Tiny Tuesday theme to provide an update on our problem with the garage door remote controller, as per my Silly Saturday blip. So here you can see the tiny bright LED on my new remote controller.
The programmable under-£7 replacement controller duly arrived within 24 hours of me ordering it from Amazon, and copying the code from the remaining working controller worked well after a bit of experimenting. Although it appeared to come in an unprogrammed state (as you'd expect), it seemed to want me to do the "clear code" sequence from the instructions before it would accept the new code. And I also took it well away from our wifi router as I wondered if that was confusing it.
Anyway it now works brilliantly, with a far better range than the original controllers ever had. Indeed when I took this photo, pressing the button to make the LED light up, I accidentally opened the garage door from deep within the house! The original ones never worked from there.
Thanks again to blipper thisislife for hosting TT this month.
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