
By SweetArt

Hello Kitty is in our supermarket! Pink challenge

Today was a quiet, at home doing chores day! But I did have to go out to get something to cook for dinner ... And I really wasn't on pink alert yet somehow managed to find this in the shower gel aisle while I was getting some more manly ones for my boys!!! I had no idea that Hello Kitty shower gel even existed!!! Too bad I don't have a daughter, she would definitely have been bathed in it!! They are definitely catering to the girls here. Yes!!!

There is a Breast Cancer dinner/fund raiser happening in one of the restaurants tonight, but I'm feeling tired and down, I think this AWFUL pollution is getting to me :(

Today's pollution levels were 8 times that of what the WHO's normal acceptable pollution levels are. Yesterday was 13x. Not cool!

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