Inquisitive eyes

By Moberg

Inside the alphabet

Dan Turèll (1946-1993) was a Danish poet and author who grew up in the small idyllic suburb Vangede approximately 10 kilometers from Copenhagen.

His life and work were anything but idyllic. He mingled and wrote about the odd characters in the city. He stood up against all forms of conservatism, both politically and culturally. He supported himself with many kinds of work including window cleaner, pusher, postman, journalist, milkman etc.

He described himself as a Buddhist, yoga exerciser, anarchist and socialist. He died in 1993 of cancer. In Vangede were installed this sculpture showing the letters of the alphabet. The sculpture is called AlfabetTURÈLL is made of Kenn André Stilling in 2011 and stands on Dan Turèll square.

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