Super Meat Boy

I felt much more spritely this morning, skipped off to work, lunch time walk was bleak, cold and wet until we bumped into Rosie’s mates. It is joyful to see them all so delighted to see each other. Dragged our bedraggled selves back to the warm of my office for a variety of irritating points throughout the day.

Then a spot of cooking for dinner and to take my flu ridden bed bound mummy some proper food tomorrow. Will did loads of chopping, grating, mixing and other genuinely very useful things. I also managed to annoy and upset Daisy with limited, non-intentioned effort and now I’m off to see if there is anything one spot good on the telly.

Oh, and I’m a bit worried that I have a toothache. That, my friends, is what happens when you take non- hurty teeth to the dentist and let them muck about with them.

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