
By RetiredDBA

Working on the family tree

It has been dreary all day and I lacked the motivation to go for a walk in the rain. An anti-social pre 6am alarm call to get Mr B to the station. Spent a good while working on the family tree. The multicoloured spread sheet and meticulous detail are down to Mr B. The blip is my mother's side of the family as we are currently stuck trying to progress the Wordsworth side ... a visit to Chester may be required. My mother is of Irish catholic descent which has a number if challenges not least the shear size of each family - some with 13 children. Her maiden name is Quinn. In Irish terms looking for Patrick Quinns is the same as trying to identify John Smiths in England. Many had jobs in the Manchester cotton mills with curious job titles such as Jack Tenter and Hank Winder. It is amazing the information available on t'internet. Just a few years ago achieving the the same level of detail would have been impossible. Today's discovery was that it is likely one of my predecessors was a blacksmith. Another interesting development to add to my discoveries that my maternal grandfather fought in the Battle of Jutland in 1916 and another relative played football for Manchester United in the 1950's!

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