nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


My PhD supervisor was a Lightfoot, and also a Yorkshireman. Well he still is, on both counts, but he is no longer my supervisor. That was a long time ago now, but still reminds me of what could have been. Instead of following in his footsteps I've taken a one way street with a skip at the bottom.

It's a tasty pint. I paid a visit to Theakston's in Masham last year on an audax (The Peculiar Old 200 km) but having 30 or so miles still to go I sadly didn't have any ale. That was some ride, with the most crazy winds, and the last one I did. Today I had a phone consultation with a nurse, and am told it's ok for me to start cycling again after the operation I had in November. So time to get entering some rides.

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