One in a Million

Crocus atticus is always blue/purple in flower, with a yellow throat.  Yellow forms or hybrids like this a extremely rare.  Two such seedlings appeared here last year, in different pots but each traceable back to a wild seed collection made in Greece in 2000.  There's a hint of purple in the markings on the petals, giving a distinctive bronze tint.  Very special.  Now I will pollinate it and see if I can get seed - it may not be self fertile but there's only one way to find out.

A busy day.  Orthotics for Jamie this morning - outcome unsatisfactory.  Shoe shop for bigger shoes to fit orthotics - shoe shopping not a fav activity!  A very satisfactory visit this afternoon by a teacher from Red Balloon of the Air who may well be Jamie's education provider after Easter.  Supermarket tonight after tea (delicious lasagne from Jacinta) and pretty much done in now.  Time for bed.

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