Chatting, gurgling, screaming, feeding

Today was the first day Max has really made talkative sounds and gurgled to me. It’s the cutest thing! He seems to be really happy up on the changing station where he’s close to my face and can look all around.

We went back to the docs yesterday as his snuffly nose still seems to be bothering him and he really struggles to breathe properly at times. The doctor agreed that something didn’t seem right so we’ve been referred to the hospital. Hopefully something will be sorted soon so he can relax a bit more and not have to work so hard just to breathe!

We had a lovely day together but I will never be taking Anya to swimming lessons with Max again! It was a complete nightmare followed by the journey from hell to get home; Max screaming hysterically which made Anya cry, we almost ran out of diesel and got lost around an estate in Huntingdon. Finally recognised the Olympic gym and stoped in the car park to feed Max and calm him down. Poor Anya, with wet hair, half a onesie on, sat in the back wanting to go home...
All topped off by having to do bedtime on my own with two very tired little ones. Andrew assures me he’ll take over swimming again from next week, phew!
First world problems I know but I’m glad to be back home and in my bed :-)

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