An unexpected...

...home day.

Mr R been struggling this week with a lurgy that I may or may not have passed to him. Could have been the Buncle too right enough as he was off school last Thursday/Friday with it. Anyway, we fella not too clever with it this morning and so he was off school.

Felt a bit bad running off leaving no weel husband with no week son so arranged to work from home so I could stick a bowl of soup in the microwave for them at lunch time;-)

Anyway, shortly after the snow started again and it snowed pretty much all morning. By 13h00 they had closed the schools so all other members of the Barmy Army reported back into base camp!

With the snow, I was kinda glad that I had arranged to work from home...saved all that faffing about whether to leave early.

Grateful for an unexpected home day...quite productive work wise and also in the evening when I made mince pies (I’ve mincemeat that needs using up) and tablet.

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