
It was windy and there was torrential rain when my alarm work me at the crack of sparrow fart. I couldn't back out though, no matter how warm and tempting it was to stay in bed because I had told people I was going to do the swim....so I dragged myself up and squeezed into my wetsuit. 

I haven't been out in early morning traffic for a long time and I had forgotten what a nightmare it is. I thought I'd left myself plenty of time to get to the Quays, but I crawled along all the way....but I just made it. 

Rude Health were the organisers and there are only limited places. It was a free event and breakfast was laid on in the cafe at Booth's Supermarket afterwards. There were eight of us swimming, two men and six women....we are the hardier sex (or the maddest ha ha). 

When the reminder email arrived a couple of days ago it gave a few instructions and tips, but there was one thing that stood out ....'clothes optional'.....ooh er, missus. I think they meant wetsuits, I hoped they meant that anyway. I did wear my wetsuit, but not everyone did. Although, I did go back in, after taking my wetsuit off, in just my costume....or to be technical, I was in skins lol

The water was five degrees and it was freeeezing, but it was exhilarating. I was buzzing for much of the day and felt I could do anything. It really is a great feeling....well apart from my hands and feet. I think you can see they were turning purple with cold in the pic and they really hurt. It was brilliant though and I've decided that I am going to do this on a regular basis and go along to the Saturday morning swims when I can after my op. Don't look too closely at the photo though as I look like a beached whale in a wetsuit!

Once we were all dressed we hobbled on our frozen feet to Booth's where we had muesli, granola, fruit and yoghurt and hot drinks. I then zipped into work. I was on a high for most of the day.....until about eight o'clock when I started to flag. I've had to stop taking my painkillers for a bit and so my leg was a bit painful, I was tired after my early start and I think the adrenalin rush had zapped my system. It was heaven to get home and flop into bed. Thank goodness I'm off tomorrow and can have a lie in.  

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