The second half of life..

By twigs


Hair appointment this morning that took me easily to lunchtime.  Home via a little shopping to appease that last-day-of-holidays feeling, a feeling I know I'll get over pretty quickly, a feeling I know isn't terminal and a feeling I know many others get too.

Popped in to work to pick up info for the start of term so there's no surprises and was caught a little off-guard by a much longer and deeper conversation than I expected which evolved from a simple, casual comment.  It's going to be an interesting year!

Home to some minor chores and an evening watching the Black Caps.  Still in the far-too-hot-to-do-anything weather pattern so an evening of quiet relaxation is a great thing.

And this fella?  Between 'minor chores' I spent a lovely half-hour in the garden experimenting with macro......crop sensor camera + 100mm macro lens + 68mm of extension tubes.......trying to see how much magnification I can get.  This image hasn't been cropped at all so in terms of 'filling the frame' I was quite impressed with the set up.  The down side.......focussing!  Hand held it was extremely difficult to get sharp images (and my lens isn't stabilised) - this is one of less than half a dozen images that will survive my daily cull so the hit rate is pretty low.  C'est la vie.

OK - gotta go - another wicket has just fallen........

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