The Stag.

Another item I am very attached to. This is a stag which was carved out of rams horn by my late father. In retirement he took to making rams horn crooks with very intricate carving on them. He also occasionally also carved animals on their own. This one he made me for a Christmas present and I just love it. Although quite rustic it has a wonderful movement and feeling of a magestic stag.

Farming - Two hauling compost.

A busy morning with 3 stables to muck out today as well as other normal daily activities. I had forgotten what good exercise mucking out is!! I may be rather stiff in the morning as I am much out of practice!

Mr Tbay busy trying to sort out our internet problems with our computer geek Darrel. Our signals vary greatly in different parts of the house which apparently is due to our extra thick stone walls! So a different approach is to be tried. Hope it is better connectivity than currently!!

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