
By SpinRoundTheSun

Michael Kennedy

Michael will be 81 on the 4th of June. He's been throwing stones at the base of the cliff for more than 20 years now. Every day he's there from quarter to ten till quarter to one. This is his gym, he's never had back ache in his life, he's still got a full head of hair (which he'll prove), he's been on telly four times, country file, look east, itv and channel 4, he's been in the newspapers, magazines and on the radio. Today is about umpteenth time he's told me all this, he never remembers me even though we've spoke many times. When we part company he always asks me to pick up some small stones for him whenever I come down, "I'll do the big ones" he says. I always tell him "I do, and I always will Michael".

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