
By Cr055ie

A little colour on a dull day.

Another day at work where I didn't get a moment.  I wanted to go to the arboretum to see if any of the squirrels were around.  But spent the entire day in an office in Lincoln, such a wasted opportunity.  Never mind, the money will help pay for the expense on my car this week!

Camera club this evening.  I really do get a lot out of it.  It was a club competition for fun this evening.  People were encouraged to enter their  prints and they were voted on in pairs.  Towards the end it was really difficult to choose which ones to eliminate, they were so good.
I totally agreed with the winning shot, it was absolutely beautiful.  I only hope one day I will manage to capture and prints off shots that great.  My only venture into printing so far has resulted in some rather dark photographs.  Purely my fault I think, but this evening has made me decide to try again using some of the knowledge that has been passed on to us.

Really looking forward to the weekend.  I am determined to try and get out and about with the camera.    

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