
By stellarossa


I used to be able to shake off jet lag and deal with lack of sleep seamlessly, but no longer it seems. my journey back from Cox's Bazaar to Oxford took 30 hours and was beset by delays, needlessly uncomfortable airplane seats, less than considerate co-passengers and my aching back. The downside of having a Fitbit is that I was able to see that in that 30 hour period I managed just 2 hours 47 minutes of sleep.

I had big presentations and important work meetings this week so kept my few functioning brain cells for them. I'm falling asleep at 9pm and waking at 1am unable to get back to sleep. I'm hungry at odd hours and not at all at any regular mealtime.

What has happened to this veteran traveller - seems I have lost the plot!

And yes, I am posting this at 4am wide awake..... as I left work yesterday one beautifully illuminated cloud sat low in the sky.

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