How many...

EBs can you get in one week.

I’ve really struggled this week, as you may have guessed. Mr Cs birthday card, must be quite appropriate as both Sim and I got the same card.

Don’t read the following if you are squeamish... and that includes me!

I was with my teacher at our arts n craft after school club when a little girl projectile vomited right across the table and all over two other little girls... hair, cardigans. Now, I honestly have a phobia about sick. Mr C always sorted our lot out and I will do anything to try and not be sick myself. So I’m afraid I really wasn’t much help but I did manage to clear the class and take them to another room. It really was like one of those comedy films where you see it fly across the room. I’ve never seen anything like it. As this is a back blip I can tell you that the two poor little girls that got hurled over have themselves been poorly.

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