Saturday Shenanigans

A good recovery day.  Sometimes the hardest thing is the simplest.  A haircut this morning got me out of the house and then I walked into the city center to enjoy the sunshine that was coming out. Then back home again. Milan is a great walking city and even if I have done it a 100 times, there is always good street photography. Mrs C left some errands for me and so I took the kids for a cross town trek to burn some energy and stir craziness.  That was good and the effect well done.  Mr JC nearly fell asleep on the floor of a shop we visited. lol

Lots of great street photography today, but difficult to decide on just one. So, this is probably the most spontaneous of the day. Walking towards a big puddle, I decided to surprise Mr JC and gave him a big push just before to send him over...

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