Today we got up late because Jim had a course nearer home which was very nice. Mr nut had a busy morning of playing cars in his room and bigger cars outside. Then we went to the climbing wall because he's getting really good at it, and then he went on the giant slides and the deathslide.

Mr nut found a baby (doll) at the park. I mentioned about a month ago I agreed he could get a baby (doll) when I was overjoyed to realised he was bugging me about a toy, not an actual baby. A creepy ass dolly seemed nothing in comparison to an actual baby. Turns out he liked to play 'mummies and daddies' with his little friend mahni at nursery.

I had not provided him with one,mainly because I couldn't find one in a charity shop and I was hoping he'd forget. I was at a toy shop at the weekend and pretty pleased when he said 'not the dollys! I'm a boy (I might have been checking out the monster highs) but then when he saw the baby dolls he shouts 'BABIES!!' and I realsied that babies are not dolls, they are just babies.

So I got a mega pouty pleasepleaseplease and took him home and bought,from amazon, the most reasonably priced baby I could find that wasn't hideous, and pink.Which is harder than it seems. Is a boy wanting a doll that odd?? I happen to know the only person in my family that liked my poor abused babydoll went on to be a heavyweight boxer, and if you think about it, if liking babies actually did turn you gay, it would be quite bad for the population. Gender stereotyping is so silly.

Anyway it cost 8 pounds and looks like a newborn (pretty damn ugly).

So anyway, I told him he couldn't take the lost baby home because his was in the post and you don't want to have twins. So later, when the postman knocked he was confronted by a small boy shouting 'MY BABY MY BABY the postman is here with MY BABY' but it was just a letter I had to sign for. I said I didn't think it was a baby, and he said,'ok' and shuffled off in a sad but impressively mature way. After I signed for the letter the postman revealed he did indeed have a box. I quickly assessed the contents (it might have been a robot I got for Christmas) and passed it on.

Mr Nut quickly put a pair of pants (his- too big) on the baby, said he was cute and put him to bed. Then came back because he was crying,sang a song that went 'I've got a new baby' over and over,Then went off to watch telly and told me to check on him. MEN. Anyway, I know that mr Nut is not interested in dressing toys aside from putting wellies on them so I found a jumper and made a nappy (exceptionally badly) out of Jims wine straining muslins,and got out Mr nuts old tomy tippee cup and bowl and spoon. When I went to do the vacuuming he went to get his baby so it didn't get scared and was very happy he was clothed. The rest of the day was a long game whereby he went to the shop (his big box with the cash register and plastic food and pans) bought some foods,took it downstairs in a tiny shopping bag, and cooked elaborate meals for his baby who is now sitting in his old booster seat highchair. The actual child care was minimal and the bit where he milked Galahad the pony to get baby some milk was a little misguided, but on the whole it was cute. And reminded me a lot of his dad. His dad who asked 'does your baby have a name?'

'he said, he's just a baby' said mr Nut.

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