
This is another double exposure.  This time I have used two paintings one by my Mother of a mask, maybe African? and the other by my cousin of some flowers and leaves.  I tried two methods: one in camera (extra) and one of two shots put together in Photoshop (above).  Both processed in Lightroom and Photoshop.

 This is again for Markus's double exposure Challenge - faces. Thank you for hosting Markus!

A quiet Sunday not doing much.  Resting to get over the backache caused by lifting Grandbaby too much last Friday.  The Ibuprofen seems to be working which is a good thing! 

I'm actually reading a book at the moment: The left hand of darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin.  This Science fiction author died 22.01.18.  Earthdreamer wrote a very interesting blip about her that led me to buy this book and so far I really like it.

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