
By SianLambert

Well, it was bound to happen.

Smokey has left his mark.  This was not surprising.  This weekend has not been a triumph.
1.  The plasterers were here (unexpectedly) most of Saturday.  2.  They left us with no electricity at all downstairs.  3.  Therefore, no broadband and a cable trailing up the stairs for the washing machine and dryer.  4.  A leaking bucket was left on the floor, resulting in a large puddle where "the floor man" is supposed to be laying the floor tomorrow.  5.  The washing machine drain is not properly fixed so the washing machine has leaked all over the floor.  There is now a washing up bowl under it.  6.  Builders seem to think its acceptable just to throw used teabags on the floor - we they can clear them up themselves.  oh yes, 7.  We have no kitchen sink.

Will I be apologising for Smokey straying into wet cement when we had no light, and there was no barrier.  No, I won't.

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