Huge Success!

So mums 70th Birthday Party was a huge success, we all finished work on time which was a miracle at the M23 being closed for 1 junction right where we wanted to get on it causing total havoc, plans were changed 25 times, stress levels went up and down several times and Mr W had to be convinced he had to change out of his usual attire!

But we arrived at the party with time to arrange the photos I got printed and put the bunting I bought before work for people to write messages on.

The girls and DN 2's BF were all a huge help so I delegated lots.

I met my estranged sister which was odd, Daughter Number 1 was introduced to a child hood friend of mine which caused quite a bit of amusement all night and everyone (except me) got drunkerer and drunkerer  as they danced and chatted the night away.

We finally fell into bed at about 1.30 am safe in the knowledge the alarm would be going off 6 hours later!!!!!

Happy Birthday again Mummykins. You are the Best!



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