Mr John

By MrJohn


..... foot.

This evening I've had the usual Wednesday cake night at my house with the P's attending. Tonight the 100th Grand Designs programme was on channel 4 and having watched every single episode as they have been broadcast decided a celebration was needed so tonight's chocolate fudge cake had candles in it.

After Grand designs had finished myself and the P's made a couple of life castings of mini Pea's left foot and hand, using dental alginate to make the mould and plaster of Paris. This blip is of Mini Pea's foot straight out of the mould being held by Mr P before it has been tidied up. The plaster didn't fill the end of the fingers on the hand mold so we will have another go at that casting on another day. Mini Pea slept through the whole process. So today's blip is a .....

..... Little foot.

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