horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

You're indestructible, always believin'

The Queen's Gallery might in general offend my republican sensibilities, but they don't half have some good exhibitions from time to time. On just now is a collection of Indian art and gifts, given to the Prince of Wales (1870s edition) as he toured the jewel of the Empire.

It's astonishing, and serves to remind that the gap between rich and poor (here and in India) has always been there. Solid gold items (in this case water sprinklers, used to distribute rose water, and decorated with beautiful circling ducks); jewellery festooned with emeralds and diamond; stunning enamelwork; detailed weaponry....

We avoided the gift shop, foregoing the chance to buy a stuffed (non-real) Corgi, or cushion with the royal coat of arms on it. Instead headed to the National Gallery to see the Turners that go on display only in January (they're particularly sensitive to light), and then back to the White Horse for a frankly superb lunch. 

Garage is tidied up, 2 hours have been passed on the turbo, beer is in hand, Basque beef cheeks coming up later. One of those Sundays that, despite the drizzly weather, you'd quite like not to end...

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