Cousins Collage Continuing to be Continued

I've decided I'll just do phone pic collages whilst I'm here... there's too much going on to really get my camera out. I can stop feeling guilty now I've decided that's what I'm doing! Ha!
This morning Sammy, Lucie & I pushed Nate to the supermarket in the hope of him napping (he did, about 5 minutes before we got home!)...they both took their new cameras...we were a merry band of blippers! 
Later in the day Karen, Danny's mom, drove to have coffee & a cuddle with Nate - good to see her! 
Then the day finished with a splashy bathtime...all kids and babies are currently being read to/fed/put to bed.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Grant pushing Nate around so he could stay asleep for longer.
2) Special but simple times with Sammy &; all sat on the kitchen floor feeding Nate his lunch.
3) Han & I laughing til we mascara looked like something out of a horror film afterwards! Ha!

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