A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Tiny People Eaten (on Sunday)

Noting a new Blip challenge of 'Tiny People Sunday' I kept that in mind today as there were bound to be multiple examples, albeit ones where a phuzzy phone photo would be the case, unfortunately.

It's the last day of DellCon18 - one of our weekend boardgames conventions.  Sixteen or so gamers arrived Friday evening and mostly left today (Blipper/gamer skyrider's still here).  

This shot is of a brand new boardgame release Dinosaur Island with some rather cool, if pink, dino meeples (dimples?) and skimpily veiled references to Jurassic Park.  The game is excellent, with a clear and clean flow and multiple paths to victory, though it is rather expensive - this was a visitor's copy.

Despite trying to make sure as few people were eaten as possible (unlike others who seemed to be feeding their dinosaurs on the children) I came slightly last.

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