A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

12 soggy feet

And 6 smiley faces. It's not everyones cup of tea, but I was excited for this mornings birthday run which I'd requested to be up my favourite local hill to the trig point on Baildon Moor. It's up hill all the way, very boggy underfoot, and pretty breezy on the top but exhilarating all the same. We did a 10k loop before heading home for breakfast.
C finally made an appearance at 12 after a much needed lie in post sleepover on Friday and 2 hours in the pool with her friends on Saturday. We had lunch out as a joint birthday celebration for C and I having missed going out for hers with everyone being poorly.
I'd promised J I would take them swimming today as he'd missed out yesterday so we had another 2 hours in the pool this afternoon. Time for tea and delicious birthday cake the J had made me this morning, then the usual Sunday sort out fir work and school and I'm ready for an early night!!

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