
By MrsElephant


2600 kids, 46 teachers, 250kg of rice, 180kg of beans and that was lunch hour at Langas Primary School, the 2nd largest Primary School in Kenya. Thankfully I didn't need to help with washing up!!

This visit has been the highlight if the week for me. The moment when every single child lining up in the playground to be served lunch proved to me the importance of the feeding programme. I was one of the Elephant Juice Team helping to serve lunch... at a speed I have never experienced before - Scottish dinner ladies have a lot to learn!! The lack of choice has a huge part to play, and yet every child was desperate to receive their food, especially the 'Weekly Special' - rice.

We spent the afternoon with Daniel. He was an articulate, knowledgable 17 year old, and yet he had spent most of his life scavenging for food and sleeping rough following his parents death. As he spoke his words echoed the incredible transformation that had taken place in his life as a result of the feeding programme. Now preparing to sit his final exam (he needs to achieve a certain grade) to then be accepted into Secondary Education. When talking and listening to Daniel it was clear that he was happy and extremely grateful for this second chance at life. But unfortunately the struggle is not over for him. Having visited his 'home', built from mud, in the middle of a slum, with only an oil lamp for light and a shared bed for him and two friends, I know he has a long way to go before he can escape this life he was born into.

And his only request?

Football boots and a real football for him and his friends.

Mrs Elephant x

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