Bumblebee in January!

I remembered to take my macro lens, tripod and home-made beanbag with me when I went for coffee with my Monday friends, intent on photographing the snowdrops on the way home as I'd resolved last week. The macro lens yielded some lovely results with the desired soft blurry background but, just as I was about to leave, I spotted a bumble bee - a bumblebee....in January!!! He was too far away for the macro lens, and a wall and carpet of snowdrops prevented me from getting any closer, so I quickly switched to my zoom lens, zoomed in as tight as possible and fired off three shots before he flew away. This was the only one that was reasonably sharp.... So, despite the care I'd taken with the others (beanbag, careful focusing and remote control so as not to blur the image), my blip is the one that was taken hastily, handheld and heavily cropped!

Camera club competition again this evening - they seem to come round really quickly! We have the theme of 'abstract' tonight and, although I like the two images I've submitted, I'm not particularly hopeful because I think abstract work must be pretty much impossible to judge objectively, so I can only hope that the judge shares my tastes.

Heartfelt thanks for all your generosity on recent blips - I seem to have had a good run recently :)

Ann :))

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