Perfect behaviour (almost?!)

This weekend we have been staying in Crieff with these lovely ladies that Ann worked with in 1981. We hired a fabulous dog friendly cottage right in the centre of town and before we went I was given a little pep talk about how I should behave.......................

…...........Ann said that I would still get my two walks a day, but the rest of the time was to be 'human' time and I was just to fit in with what the humans wanted to do. Fitting in with the humans has been very easy because all they do when they get together is eat and drink. And Ann's friends give me far more little titbits than she does! When we left Crieff this morning everyone agreed that I had been the bestest little collie ever. Yay!

….................Famous last words!.................

The middle-aged women girls decided to call in at 'South Queensferry' for lunch on the way home. We trekked around 'South Queensferry' looking for a dog friendly pub (because the one we wanted to go into wasn't serving food due to an electrical problem) and it was there that I blotted my copybook. Do you want to know what happened???...............................

…................Ann left Fiona holding my lead while she nipped into a pub to see if 'gorgeous little collies' were allowed inside. Fiona wasn't paying proper attention to me and I spotted a postie. For those of you who read my Blips regularly; you will know that I hate posties, (I hate them almost as much as skateboarders). Soooooo, I pulled on my lead (because posties need to be scared off) and I almost pulled Fiona over. Well, she should have been giving me 100% attention. I'm not an easy dog to look after. Lol!

Anyway, apart from that little lapse, I've been a perfect pooch. We went into the 'Hawes Inn' for lunch and Janice had a massive steak pie and fed me some little bits of steak in red wine. Yum! Nobody else fed me anything. Boohoo!

Home now and even though my dinner has been out for more than an hour, I'm having a little snooze on the sofa.

….....................It's been very tiring work keeping an eye on five drunken middle aged women all weekend. But, thanks 'girls on tour' – we've had a blast. Hope to do it all again soon. xxx

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