
I cleared out the cupboard under the stairs today - which is worrying, we've only been in the house 6 months and I'm already clearing out cupboards... I figured that my riding hats weren't needed in the house, as it's been a while since I've near a horse and I fear it's going to be a while before I'm back in the saddle (sniff, sniff).  

The eldest ran off with my hats and I found him on the rocking horse (having pulled a chair up to get on it), clip-clopping away to himself and holding the reins beautifully - wearing a riding hat.  I smiled - and of course sent a picture to the husband, explaining that one day we would need to buy a pony. It will happen - I'm sure the more I say it, the likelier it is to happen..... 

Our walk this afternoon with my village friend was taken - wearing a riding hat. Much, .much fun was had splashing around in puddles, so much so that we had to borrow trousers and socks when we went back to her house for tea and crumpets as the boys had got themselves so wet. 

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