
When you raise boys, you know that when they aren’t practicing their NBA jumps by trying to jump and touch the top of the door jams or the ceiling (leaving hand prints, of course), they are practicing shooting balls. At least that was the way it was in my house of 4 boys… and I always kept the 409 handy.   Today I came across some “koosh’ balls, items that could be tossed around and easily caught without doing too much damage indoors. Why we still have these is a mystery and why they turned up in amongst my photography props, I don’t know….Surely I must have put them there thinking they would make a good Emergency Blip someday and it turns out that was good thinking!

The Koosh ball is a toy ball made of rubber filaments attached to a soft rubber core, first patented in 1988. It is about the size of a baseball.  I have added a second shot taken with the macro lens + extension tubes.  Who knew they could come in so handy.

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