Dear Diary,
This lovely Amaryllis was a Christmas gift and It is finally starting to bloom. It is a cheery sight in the breakfast room. This is my first Amaryllis which is rather amazing really. My cousin often gives me Paper Whites to force. Soon, I will venture out to the forsythia bush to cut some branches to bring in and force. All of this certainly points to the need to have something growing, something green and fresh in a world that is frozen and white.
This is the time of year that I would be getting the seed catalogues in the mail. I would spend hours pouring over the possibilities. Since I've turned the raised beds into a perennial flower garden instead of a vegetable garden I don't get the catalogues any more. Vegetables were my late husband Scott's "thing", not that I didn't love fresh veggies. Now, I prefer to buy mine at a local farm.
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