Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Why I kinda love my toothbrush

Well, this is Ed's, but i love mine too. People don't usually love their toothbrushes, but I am always so glad I found this kind. We've had our toothbrushes for six years now, and all we ever have to send off to the landfill is just the tiny part of the brush. The rest of it stays. The packaging that the little brushes come in is minimal, too.

All I have to do is poke the old brush out with a pin, wash the handle really well, and then slip the new brush in. Viola! My most favorite toothbrush, for your viewing pleasure. ;)

Sorry I've been unable to comment of late, as it has been a weird time. Hope to get back soon. Marya comes tonight for a very short visit though, and I'll be busy treasuring the short time she is here for sure.

I hope everyone in Blipland is having a great weekend!

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